Minutes September 7, 2008

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Attendance. There were seventeen people in attendance.

Agenda & Introductions.
Agenda approved and introductions made.

The treasurer’s presented the budget.

Motion to approve the budget seconded and passed.

Visit by Michael Berube
Michael Berube will be visiting Sept. 22 – 24, with activities scheduled for Sept. 23. His schedule was organized and discussed.

The bargaining situation was discussed.
Motion to approve the actions of the Bargaining Team seconded and endorsed unanimously.

Motion that: The Chapter is concerned that the terms and conditions of employment at the University of South Florida are endangering the potential for membership in the American Association of Universities; seconded and approved unanimously.

Grievances. The Grievance Chair reported on ongoing grievance proceedings.

Faculty Senate.
The Vice President of the Faculty Senate reported on the Senate’s activities and mutual concerns.

Political Action.
The Acting Political Action Chair reported on election season activities.

The Communications Chair reported on the Chapter’s publications.

Other Business.
Participants were advised that if they discover irregularities in administrative conduct affecting the terms and conditions of employment, it would be helpful if they brought it to the Chapter’s attention.

Meeting Adjourned.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on September 7, 2008.


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