Archive for May, 2010

Memorial Day and July 4th holidays both falling on Monday

Wednesday, May 26th, 2010

Yesterday, Senior Vice Provost sent an e-mail to all faculty in Academic Affairs-Tampa as follows:

Complaints have been received that some faculty are scheduling make-up classes during the summer term for days missed due to an official holiday. This year’s summer terms have two holidays, Memorial Day and Fourth of July, that occur on week days.

University and Collective Bargaining Agreement regulations specify that faculty members cannot be required to schedule classes to make up for those falling on a holiday; further, faculty members cannot require students to attend make-up classes for those falling on a holiday. The implication for those who are teaching in the summer is that courses must be planned with the knowledge that class days falling on a holiday cannot be rescheduled.

Chairs – please be sure to distribute this information to adjunct and graduate instructors who are teaching this summer.

Dr. Smith is correct in reading the contract language. The following language is from Article 17.5 of the collective bargaining agreement between UFF and the USF Board of Trustees:

An employee shall be entitled to observe all official holidays designated as holidays by the University, which shall at a minimum include those holidays designated in Fla. Stat. Section 110.117. No classes shall be scheduled on designated holidays. Classes not held because of a holiday shall not be rescheduled [emphasis added].

Faculty have a number of options to handle Monday classes in this summer’s term (or for any class cancelled because of holidays), including the following:

  • Holding optional makeup classes.
  • Providing assignments that are instructionally useful but do not require scheduled class time (such as intense work on individual projects, fieldwork scheduled by the student, etc.).
  • Providing material on Blackboard that students can access outside scheduled class time.

The choices of how to adjust to holidays–or any cancellation of classes (think hurricanes and flu)–should remain with the instructor for the class according to her or his best professional judgment.


Minutes May 21, 2010

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were nine members in attendance, including eight of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council. And one guest.



Political Action.

State Policy.


The Chapter historically has assisted in paying expenses for Chapter members to attend affiliate meetings.

  • Motion made and seconded: to reimburse nonrefundable airfare for one member who was scheduled to attend the NCHE/AFT/NEA meeting in San Jose this spring but had to cancel because of a medical emergency. Motion approved.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 25, 2010.


Minutes May 7, 2010

Sunday, May 9th, 2010

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

The meeting was at USF-Polytechnic. There were ten people in attendance, including six of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.

The agenda were approved.

USF Polytechnic Affairs.
Several issues were discussed

  • Discussion of tenure & promotion proposals.
  • Annual evaluations: broad discussion.

Instructor Promotion Track.


  • Motion made & seconded: To send a copy of the PERC Notice to Employees, with synopsis by S. Dorn, as a flier to all USF employees. Motion approved.

Rebate Case.
A member of the unit joined UFF before the fall semester and resigned in December.

  • Motion made and seconded: That the member shall be provided with a rebate no more than $ 300 or total dues paid. Motion approved.

Next bargaining session scheduled for Friday, May 14.

Political Action.
Some UFF members will participate in a fundraiser for Alex Sink on May 8.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on May 9, 2010.
