Minutes October 8, 2010

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were twelve members in attendance, including ten of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum. The UFF Executive Director was also present.

Discussion of organizing activities.

  • Motion made and seconded that effective 2011 and for all subsequent years, the deadline for new members to join UFF by spring and receiving the $ 300 rebate in May be January 31. Motion approved.

Minutes for the September 24 Chapter meeting approved.

Meeting schedule.
The chapter will various regional campuses this semester.

  • The chapter will meet at USFSP on October 22.
  • The chapter will meet at USF Tampa on November 5.
  • The chapter will meet at USF Poly on Wednesday, November 17.
  • The chapter will meet at USF Tampa on December 3.

The chapter will schedule a meeting at USF Sarasota-Manatee in January.

President’s Report

The BOT voted in favor of ratifying the USF UFF-BOT CBA on October 7, so it is now ratified.

Discussion of GEMS salary data.

  • Motion made and seconded that the UFF-USF Chapter requests that USF publish the total compensation of all university employees in an Excel spreadsheet in March of each year as does the University of Florida. Motion passes.

Assignment of release units in the spring of 2011 shall be: five releases (including two banked units) to Sherman Dorn for presidential duties, Greg McColm for communications, Paul Terry for membership services, Robert Welker for education and liaison services, and Sonia Wohlmuth for grievances.


  • Grievances. Discussion of grievances.
  • Treasury. We are solvent.
  • Communications. Discussion of communications.
  • Political Action. Discussion of the situation this fall and coming spring.

Good of the Order.
Two departures.

  • Mark Klisch is leaving for Spain.
  • Motion made and seconded to allocate $ 100 for a gift for Mary Johnston. Motion passes.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on October 9, 2010.


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