Minutes 1 December 2017
Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 161 in USF Tampa.
Attendance. Twelve UFF members, including seven members of the Council, and one guest.
Minutes. Minutes for November 17 are approved.
President’s Report.
- Calendar. We will meet on January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23, March 9 & 23, and April 6 & 20, preferably in MSC, depending on availability.
- Consultation with the Provost. Discussion.
New Business.
- Chapter Election. The Chapter election will be conducted by an Election Committee, which shall propose an election process at the January 12 Chapter Meeting. Adrienne Berarducci shall be chair of the committee.
- Travel Scholarships. There were 33 applications, and the following recipients were selected by lot: Michael Berson, Iraida Carrion, Jennifer Collins, Sara Flory, Michelle Hughes Miller, and Nathan Johnson. The following alternates were selected by lot, in order: Sarah Van Ingen, Christelle Bouchard, Jean-Francois Biasse.
Old Business.
- USFSP. Discussion.
- Promotion and Tenure Workshops. Discussion.
- Faculty-Authored Texts. Discussion.
- Faculty Handbook. Discussion.
- Membership. There will be a campaign in spring.
- Grievances. The precise definition of the Bargaining Unit is an issue.
- Communications. The website will be revisited in spring.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 11 December 2017.