Archive for March, 2018

Minutes 23 March 2018

Sunday, March 25th, 2018

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon on USF Tampa in EDU 150.

Attendance. Eleven UFF members, including nine members of the Council.

Minutes. Minutes for February 23 are approved.

President’s Report.

  • Election results. This was the result of the chapter election:
    • Art Shapiro is elected president.
    • Steve Lang is elected vice president.
    • Greg McColm is elected secretary.
    • Sonia Wohlmuth is elected treasurer.
    • Adrienne Berarducci, Karin Braunsberger, Pablo Brescia, Candace Burns, Joy D’Andrea, Cecil Greek, Steve Lang, Richard Manning, Gregory McColm, Vic Peppard, Steve Permuth, Patricia Pettijohn, Frank Pyrtle III, Bob Welker, and Sonia Wohlmuth are elected to the UFF Senate, where Art Shapiro serves ex officio.
    • Karin Braunsberger, Steve Lang, Gregory McColm, Steve Permuth, and Art Shapiro were elected to the FEA Delegate Assembly.

    This leaves us with four vacant senate seats and three vacant assembly seats. These will have to be filled.

  • HB 7055 decertifying minority membership K-12 unions. We anticipate litigation.
  • HB 423 consolidating USF. Discussion.
  • Informal consultation with Academic Affairs. There are many problems at USFSP.

Old Business.

  • April 20 Social. Discussion Grievance Training.
  • Irregularities at the College of Nursing. Discussion.

New Business.

  • Political Education. We will need the Political Education Committee running by summer.


  • Grievances. Discussion of tenure problems.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 25 March 2018.


Minutes 23 February 2018

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in the Palm Room on USF St. Petersburg.

Attendance. Eleven UFF members, including five members of the Council.

Minutes. Minutes for February 9 are approved.

President’s Report.

  • Laurie Byers. Ms. Byers will be our UFF staff for organizing.
  • Dismissal of a tenured professor from USFSP. Arbitration is upcoming.

Old Business.

  • Faculty use of own books in classes. Discussion of policies under consideration.
  • Investigation at USFSP. Update on investigation conducted by Olga Joanow.

New Business.

  • Campus security. Discussion of teachers packing guns.
  • Effect of possible USF consolidation per HB 423. The location of tenure is an issue.
  • Anomalous positions. The College of Nursing has a number of non-tenure-track professors.
  • Gun violence. There will be a March for Our Lives on March 24 on Washington, D.C., against gun violence.
    • Motion made and seconded that the UFF USF Senate Delegation shall move a resolution condemning and opposing the Dickey Amendment’s effect of restricting CDC and NIH supported research into gun violence. Motion passes.
  • Union-busting legislation. Discussion of HB 7055 and HB 25 / SB 1036.
  • Chapter election. Call for nominations.


  • Grievances. Many tenure-track faculty do not realize that planning for coming up for tenure – including going to the UFF – is something that cannot wait until the last year.
  • Tenure & Promotion workshops. There will be one soon.
  • Treasurer’ Report. We are solvent.
  • Social on February 22. Report.
  • Membership. Discussion of proposal that each UFF member recruit one new member.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 22 March 2018.
