Minutes 30 August 2013

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 161 on USF Tampa.

Attendance & Introductions. Ten members, including seven members of the Chapter Council, and one guest.

President’s Report. Brief update on Lakeland teach out – encouraged all that were Chapter Council members (Senators) to attend the UFF meeting and if not attending to please be sure to inform G. McColm so he can arrange proxies. Those that spend the night at the hotel will submit receipt to Sonia to be reimbursed 50 % from our chapter. September chapter meeting at St. Pete campus and will be held at the new USF SP Student Center on Sept. 20. Welcome Surenda Singh, former UFF USF President who is in town from upstate New York visiting.


  • Treasury. We are solvent and all bills are paid.
  • Grievances. Provided overview and brief update on grievances in process and about to be filed.
  • Communications. Will continue to focus on recruitment of new members in the future Bi-Weeklies
  • Membership. The Membership Committee has been provided the names of the 139 new USF Tampa faculty members and will devote the month of September to ‘knocking on doors’ and meeting with new faculty regarding joining the chapter.
  • Bargaining. Brief update on the status of the package proposal to be presented to the administration next week.

Other Business.

  • Tenure and Promotion. Steve Permuth gave update on the USF Tampa Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Committee on Tenure/Promotion – long discussion relative to the T/P Articles the bargaining team has submitted and the roles of the three USF Faculty Senates regarding revising the August 7, 1998 T/P guidelines for their individual campuses.
  • Electronic Student Evaluations. Concerns were expressed regarding the low percentage of student evaluations being returned and the impact this will have on tenure-track faculty. UFF President and Chief Negotiator will pen a memo to Cynthia Patterson, Chair of the Blue Explorance Committee expressing concerns with low percentage return and impact it could have on ‘terms & conditions’ of employment for tenure-track faculty.

These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 31 August 2013.


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