Minutes 4 April 2014
Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12 noon in EDU 316 on USF Tampa.
Attendance & Introductions. Nineteen members, including fourteen members of the Chapter Council, and one guest.
- Grievances. Discussion of grievances at USFSM.
- McColm will organize another grievance training workshop.
- Report on the Chapter Council Meeting.
- The Council created a Budget Committee consisting of Senators Belgrad, Lang and Wohlmuth.
- Discussion of Tallahassee politics, and its effect on the USF Board of Trustees, and on public employees.
- Selection of Senators. At the moment, there are two seats to be filled, and two write-in candidates who have not responded to queries about their availability and willingness to serve. The Chapter will return to the issue in the next meeting.
- Recruitment. UFF USF Executive Director proposes a Recruitment Workshop in early September.
- Budget. We are solvent.
- Bargaining. Discussion of the current situation.
- Motion made and seconded that a hardcopy flyer containing the recent Letter from the Bargaining Committee be sent to the entire UFF USF unit. Motion passes.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 8 April 2014.