Miscellaneous items at USF

A few things of note for this Friday:

  •  HR will be readjusting employees’ leave balances to conform with the arbitration decision last week and the administration’s decision early this week to extend the same change to all employees who earn annual leave. After that is done, UFF will work with USF to address small numbers of in-unit faculty and professional employees who did not have leave to cover the affected days in December, who moved from 12- to 9-month contracts since December, or who have left USF.
  • The chapter has received draft guidelines for an instructor promotion track and has just distributed the draft document to chapter members along with a link to a brief survey to provide feedback. Chapter VP Mark Klisch helped draft the guidelines. The chapter has the authority to delay T&P guidelines for a year, and the chapter’s officers need to know from members whether the chapter should agree to implement the guidelines so promotion opportunities are available in 2009-10 (with new ranks to go into effect in August 2010 for those promoted).
  • There is an impasse hearing before the USF Board of Trustees next Thursday, July 16, 9-11 am, in the ROTC building’s auditorium on the Tampa campus. This is a result of impact bargaining over increased class sizes beginning Fall 2007, after an impasse between the bargaining teams and after both sides had concerns about the special magistrate’s recommendations.
  • There is a regular chapter membership meeting Friday, July 17, at noon, in CDB’s on Fletcher Ave. in Tampa. Because of the collective bargaining session starting in SVC at 2, the chapter meeting will be abbreviated.
  • There is a regular collective bargaining session next Friday, July 17, 2-4 pm, in SVC 2070.

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