Archive for August, 2009

Proposed Amendments to the Amendment Process (Updated)

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

At the August 28 Chapter meeting, the Amendments were adjusted to the following:

UFF-USF Constitution Proposed Amendment

Article VI. Amendment.

This constitution may be amended as follows: A proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote. A constitutional amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of all those present at the time of the vote. The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 10% of the chapter membership (by petition), or a majority of the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval A vote of two-thirds of those present and voting.

UFF-USF Bylaws Proposed Amendment

Article VI. Amendments.

The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 10% of the chapter membership (by petition), or a majority of the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the by-laws, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification of the proposed change(s) requires approval vote of two-thirds of a majority of those present and voting. at a membership meeting if the members have been notified at least two weeks in advance may amend the Bylaws.


Minutes August 28, 2009

Sunday, August 30th, 2009

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were fourteen people in attendance.

The agenda was approved.

There were fourteen people in attendance.

Special rule for the debate of amendments and new business items.

  • Special rule proposed: For the purposes of debate on governance amendments and new business items at the August 28, 2009, chapter membership meeting, debate shall be limited to 20 minutes for each governance amendment and 10 minutes for each new business item. If time for debate has elapsed without a vote on the main motion, the body shall vote on any motion currently before the body and the main motion. Each speech shall be restricted to one tenth of the time alloted for the debate on the main motion (i.e., 2 minutes for speeches on the governance amendments and 1 minute for new business items). The wording of resolutions and amendments shall be presented in writing to the chair at the time the motion is made. Special rule defeated.

Debate and vote on proposed amendment to Chapter Constitution.

  • Amendment proposed:Proposal to change Article VI of the constitution to read: “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20 % of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” (Tracked changes displayed at ). Amendment defeated.
  • Motion made and seconded:To proposed the above amendment, for approval on October 9, with the following two modifications: that “20 % of the chapter” be changed to “10 % of the chapter” and that “the attending members” be changed to “a majority of the attending members”.
    • Motion to amend the above motion made and seconded: To strike the modification from 20 % to 10 %. Motion to amend the amendment defeated.
    • Motion to amend approved.
  • Main motion approved. The amendment as amended shall be presented to the Chapter for approval for presentation to the Membership for approval.

Debate and vote on proposed amendment to Chapter Bylaws.

    • Amendment proposed:Proposal to change Article VI of the bylaws to read: “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20% of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the by-laws, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership two weeks before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification of the proposed change(s) requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” (Tracked changes displayed at ). Amendment defeated.
    • Motion made and seconded:To proposed the above amendment, for approval on October 9, with the following two modifications: that “20 % of the chapter” be changed to “10 % of the chapter” and that “the attending members” be changed to “a majority of the attending members”.
    • Motion made and seconded:To proposed the above amendment, for approval by October 9, with the following two modifications: that “20 % of the chapter” be changed to “10 % of the chapter” and that “the attending members” be changed to “a majority of the attending members”.
      • Motion to amend the above motion made and seconded: To add to the changes the replacement of “two weeks” by “thirty days” and the replacement of “two-thirds” by “a majority”. Motion to amend the amendment approved.
      • Motion to amend approved.
    • Main motion approved. The amendment as amended shall be presented to the Chapter for approval for presentation to the Membership for approval

    Dues rebate for new members.

    • Motion made by the Executive Committee: RESOLVED, that the UFF-USF chapter shall provide $ 250 new-member rebates for all first-time UFF members who join through payroll deductions between August 1 and September 30 of each year, beginning with 2009. The rebates shall be paid at the end of the fall semester by checks from the chapter’s account(s) and distributed by campus mail, or by U.S. mail if a self-addressed stamped envelope is provided by the new member.
      • Motion made and seconded to amend above motion: That the amount be raised to $ 300. Motion to amend approved.
      • Motion made and seconded to amend above motion: That this policy be announced in a Biweekly Extra and in fliers. Motion to amend approved.
      • Motion made and seconded to amend above motion: That “a self-addressed stamped envelope is provided” be replaced by “requested”. Motion to amend approved.
    • Main motion approved as amended.

    Stipends policy.

    • Motion made by the Executive Committee: Whereas the UFF is a volunteer member organization that is run by volunteers, RESOLVED that the chapter may from time to time pay a stipend to a member who is neither the chapter president nor chapter vice president, where the member has specific responsibilities associated with a specific event or events. The chapter’s president and vice president shall authorize all stipends not received by themselves for purposes approved by the chapter, which shall include the following: attendance or presentations at trainings for grievances, bargaining, and other union duties of responsibility approved by the statewide local or the state affiliate; organizing the political activities of the chapter for a single semester as chair of the Political Action Committee; being responsible for the logistics of informal meetings for a single semester of tenure-track faculty through the Junior Faculty Group or a similar organization. Without prior chapter approval for a specific stipend to be received by a named member, such stipends shall not exceed $299.50 per semester nor $559 per year, and they shall be reported at the general membership meeting following their authorization and recorded in the meeting minutes.
      • Motion to amend the above motion made and seconded: To replace “chapter’s president and vice president shall authorize all stipends not received by themselves” by “chapter’s president and vice president shall authorize all stipends not received by members of the Executive Committee”. Motion approved.
    • Main motion approved as amended.

    Ad hoc committee on chapter governance documents.
    The committee outlined proposed changes to the constitution and bylaws.

    • Motion made and seconded: That the proposals be broadcast via the Biweekly. Motion to amend approved.

    These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on August 30, 2009.


Agenda, August 28, 2009, chapter meeting

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

UFF-USF chapter meeting agenda
August 28, 2009, 12 noon
SOC 258

  1. Agenda approval
  2. Special rule for debate of amendments and new business items
  3. Debate and vote on proposed amendment to Chapter Constitution (20 minutes)
  4. Debate and vote on proposed amendment to Chapter By-laws (20 minutes)
  5. New business
    1. Dues rebate for new members (10 minutes)
    2. Stipends for member volunteers for specific tasks (10 minutes)
  6. Reports
    1. Ad hoc committee on chapter governance documents
    2. Treasurer
    3. Grievances
    4. Communications
    5. Bargaining
    6. Faculty Senate
  7. For the good of the order

Proposed special rule: “For the purposes of debate on governance amendments and new business items at the August 28, 2009, chapter membership meeting, debate shall be limited to 20 minutes for each governance amendment and 10 minutes for each new business item. If time for debate has elapsed without a vote on the main motion, the body shall vote on any motion currently before the body and the main motion. Each speech shall be restricted to one tenth of the time alloted for the debate on the main motion (i.e., 2 minutes for speeches on the governance amendments and 1 minute for new business items). The wording of resolutions and amendments shall be presented in writing to the chair at the time the motion is made.” Note: time limits on individual speeches and debate may be extended by unanimous consent; this special rule would not eliminate that flexibility.


Final tally on H1N1 survey

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

A few more faculty responded over the weekend to the survey, for a final total of 112 responses. There were no additional comments, and here is the final tally. The question: Are you intending to modify your class attendance policies to accommodate the possibility of severe H1N1?

Yes: 31

No: 36

Not sure yet: 45

You can also read the digest of comments.


In-case-of-emergency-closure memo (this is about planning, not an impending event)

Tuesday, August 18th, 2009

Linked below are three documents: a memo from Associate Provost Tapas Das with regard to a potential closure or serious disruption of USF from events such as H1N1 or hurricanes; a list of suggestions from the provost’s office on things to think about tied to potential closures, and a paragraph to insert in all syllabi.

There is a provision in the UFF-USF Collective Bargaining Agreement about emergency closure: all in-unit employees are paid during emergency closures. I assume that the bargaining history is related to storms rather than potential pandemics, but the effect is the same. At least in terms of the attached documents, accommodations for closures are left to the professional judgment of faculty and other instructors of record.

Tapas Das letter

Paragraph for syllabi

Things for faculty to think about regarding closure


Members to discuss merit pay in 2009-10

Saturday, August 15th, 2009

One issue coming directly from a recent membership study commissioned by the UFF-USF Chapter is the set of concerns from participants about the structure of formulaic merit pay and administrative salary discretion. This time of economic hardship is probably the best year in which to talk about long-term structures in the contract, as there will probably not be a huge amount of money in play. During the fall, I will be setting up meetings on every campus and in multiple places on the Tampa campus to talk just about merit pay and other salary issues.

This will be a member-driven process: colleagues who are not dues-paying UFF members can vote on contract ratification, but the members set chapter policy. I want to be clear about my personal interests and intended role, before the discussions focused on merit pay begin: like my colleagues, I have my own opinions and ideas about merit pay, but the collective interests of the chapter membership will determine what the chapter’s approach on merit pay will be over the next few years. In 2007 I campaigned on the pledge to follow the faculty and professional employees of USF as we changed, and from a few places (not just the membership study), I am getting the message that merit pay and discretionary pay has to change. To be consistent with what I promised, my job is to start and protect a conversation about merit pay.

From what I know already, the issues involved in merit pay are a classic wicked problem, or a complex issue that isn’t going to be amenable to a direct “here’s the cause, and here’s the solution” process. I’ve had a number of conversations about merit pay over the years with both administrators and faculty, and the tendency of many comments is to fall into a pattern: “Here’s the problem with merit pay at USF, and instead of doing it this way we should do it just like it was done at my last institution.” The reference to “my last institution” is a heuristic short-cut: well-intended but an elision nonetheless, and I will view one of my jobs in these conversations to get behind such short-cuts.

As I wrote above, I have some preconceptions about the issues and potential solutions, but I know that they are preconceptions, and it is more important that the membership determine policy than that I agree with that policy. To guarantee that the decision is membership-driven, I will argue against any unilateral setting of long-term merit-pay bargaining guidance without a membership vote.


How are USF faculty changing attendance policies in response to H1N1?

Friday, August 14th, 2009

Below are the types of comments expressed by some of the 110 individual respondents to the UFF survey this week on H1N1 and attendance policies. Please keep in mind that the participants in this survey are probably not a representative sample, and answers should be viewed as a sample of the options that faculty are considering.

Attendance requirements—what are faculty planning to do? Some of the choices faculty are making:

  • No changes
  • Case-by-case adjustments
  • Raising the limit on unexplained/unexcused absences.
  • Providing alternative assignments that enable students to make up attendance
  • Waiving in-class assignment requirements
  • Extending deadlines for assignments
  • Turning in-class work into online (Blackboard) assignment
  • Eliminating attendance requirements, with in-class exercises as extra credit


What documentation are faculty planning to require? Some of the choices faculty are making:

  • Doctor’s note required
  • Doctor’s note not required
  • No doctor’s note but prior notice required (no “oops I overslept” post-hoc inventions of flu)
  • Distinctions between regular classes and exams: flexibility for classes, doctor’s note required for exam absence


Other thoughts related to H1N1 and classes:

  • Some faculty will insist that students who are sick should stay home, quoting from Dr. Egilda Terenzi’s statement in syllabus
  • Some faculty are intending to place more material online
  • Some faculty intend to record classes to place mp3s on line for absent students
  • Some faculty intend to spend more time explaining attendance policies clearly at beginning of term and specifically how they might apply for H1N1
  • Some faculty intend to use the H1N1 pandemic to remind students that they have the obligation to contact classmates to catch up on material
  • Some faculty intend to explain the practical effect on grades of missing substantial amounts of the semester
  • Some faculty will explain that they will be more supportive of petitions for dropping/withdrawing from class for medical reasons


Additional comments:

  • There were some concerns about availability of medical care at Student Health Services
  • Some faculty expressed concerns about staff and faculty health
  • Some faculty expressed concerns about the work and security involved in creating make-up exams and suggested that USF create a testing center to provide security for make-up exams



Faculty survey shows split in responses to H1N1 virus — more details to come over weekend

Friday, August 14th, 2009

As of this morning, 110 USF faculty have responded to the online survey UFF began on Monday to gauge whether faculty are making changes to class attendance policies in response to the H1N1 pandemic. Of those responding, 40% are not yet sure what they will do, and the others are approximately evenly split between faculty making changes and those not making changes.


Another entry sometime this weekend will summarize comments from individual respondents. One early note: Some of the “no” respondents explained that they thought their existing attendance policies would be sufficiently flexible to address student absences from H1N1.


Squeaking through?

Thursday, August 13th, 2009

Tuesday’s state Revenue Estimating Conference ended up predicting a small (1%) reduction in state general revenues from the March estimate that was the basis for the state’s budget this year (see executive summary for more). That will not require a special session to cut the current year’s budget, at least for now.

The forecast for 2010-11 is also less than the 2010-11 forecast in the March estimate, but the predicted general revenues for 2010-11 is still more than 6% higher than in the current fiscal year. The continuation of stimulus funding for education means that we’ll probably see something close to a flat budget for next year, plus hopefully a minor increase depending on politics. The closer we get to the next legislative session without additional free-fall in the state’s economy, the better the state’s general budget outlook is. There will still be a fight for revenues in the legislature, but the odds are looking better that we’re not going to have additional horrid cuts.


Minutes July 17, 2009

Monday, August 10th, 2009

USF-UFF Chapter Meeting

There were sixteen people in attendance.

Meeting Rule.
Because of much business, a 3 minute rule for statements was put in place.

Discussion of membership growth.

Amendment to the Constitution.
An amendment was proposed.

  • Motion to propose an amendment to Article VI made and seconded. To change language FROM “This constitution may be amended as follows: A proposed amendment shall be distributed to all members at least thirty days prior to a vote. A constitutional amendment shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of all those present at the time of the vote.” TO “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20% of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” Motion passed by unanimous vote; the amendment will be presented for approval at the August 28 Chapter meeting.

Amendment to the Bylaws.
An amendment was proposed.

  • Motion to amend Article VI made and seconded. To change language FROM “A vote of two-thirds of those present and voting at a membership meeting if the members have been notified at least two weeks in advance may amend the Bylaws.” TO “The Chapter Executive Committee, Chapter Council, 20% of the chapter membership (by petition), or the attending members at any membership meeting may propose an amendment to the constitution, whose proposed changes shall then be sent to the membership thirty days before a paper-ballot or an electronic vote. Ratification requires approval of two-thirds of those voting.” Motion passed by unanimous vote; the amendment will be presented for approval at the August 28 Chapter meeting.

Two Motions on Impasse.
Bargaining between AFSCME and USF are now at impasse.

  • Motion made and seconded that our local provide AFSCME 3342 with support needed as they conduct impasse hearings. Motion passed.

And another motion.

  • Motion made and seconded Be it resolved that the USF Board of Trustees is not the proper legal legislative body to impose impasse resolutions; FURTHERMORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the USF Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida requests assistance from the United Faculty of Florida and its state affiliate, the Florida Education Association, in contesting the USF Board of Trustees as the legislative body for impasse hearings. Motion passed unanimously.

English Language Institute- status report.
There was a report on the English Language Institute.

Treasurer report.
We have money.

Grievance report.
The Grievance chair reported on grievances.

Bargaining report.
The Bargaining chair reported on bargaining.

These minutes respectfully submitted by K. de la Pena McCook on August 10, 2009.
