Minutes April 23, 2010
Sunday, April 25th, 2010USF-UFF Chapter Meeting
There were thirteen people in attendance, including eleven of the Chapter Council, insufficient for a quorum of the Council.
Minutes & Agenda.
The minutes and agenda were approved.
Discussion of rebate policy.
- Motion made & seconded: to continue the rebate program indefinitely, but the status and amounts shall be reported to the Chapter at the end of each spring semester. Motion approved.
- Motion made & seconded on the interpretation of the preceding motion: that when UFF participates in the three-for-free program, that the rebate shall come at the end of the first semester during which new members paid dues. Motion approved.
- The Communications Committee shall publicize this program at the beginning of each session.
Alternates and the Chapter Council.
The issue of how alternates are chosen, and whether (or which) alternates should be members of the Chapter Council, may be revisited later.
National Meetings.
As a general rule, when the Chapter sends members to national meetings, the Chapter reimburses expenses not covered by national organizations.
Legislative Session.
- Bargaining
iscussion of current bargaining.
- Motion made and seconded: that the UFF-USF Chapter membership recommends that there be no ratification vote of the complete Collective Bargaining Agreement when a significant portion of the bargaining unit has no assignment, e.g., summer, unless under extraordinary circumstances. Motion approved.
- Grievances: Discussion.
- Treasury: We are solvent.
- Communications: Work continues on the website.
- Motion made from Communications Committee: authorizing the expenditure of 39 euros for the purchase of mail software for site. Motion made and seconded.
- President’s Report: at end of session, president reports to the chapter. Primary topics: membership was increased, there were no layoffs, the legislature may allocate money, we are processing and winning grievances, and in bargaining we have won domestic partner benefits and the instructor track.
- Political Action Committee: activity supporting Alex Sink.
Good of the Order.
Discussion of INTO.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on April 25, 2010.