Minutes 28 August 2015
Saturday, August 29th, 2015
Time & Place. The Chapter Meeting was held at 12:00 pm at CDB Restaurant in Temple Terrace.
Attendance & Introductions. Fourteen members, including nine members of the Council.
Minutes of 7 August 2015 Meeting. Approved.
New Faculty Orientation. Discussion.
- Grievances. Discussion of outstanding and potential grievances.
- Membership. Discussion of campaign for this coming year.
- Tenure and Promotion Workshops. Discussion of state law.
- Treasury. We are solvent. The budget will be presented at the next Chapter Meeting for approval.
- Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall offer four $ 500 travel scholarships to be allocated by lot at the December 4 Chapter Meeting to union members. Motion approved.
- Motion made and seconded that the Chapter shall compose calendars of union activities during the fall semester and distribute them to in-unit employees. Motion approved.
The locations of fall Chapter Meetings shall be determined at the next Chapter Meeting.
These minutes respectfully submitted by G. McColm on 29 August 2015.